Shitty Diagnosis, And The Importance Of Second Opinions

By Dave, 27 July, 2024
Second Opinions

Hey everyone. I've been dealing with chronic pancreatitis for a few years now, and part of it was an ongoing pain, which was being treated as referred pain. 

After requiring more painkillers to deal with the increasing pain levels, I had to see another Doctor, as my regular Doctor was often over-booked and difficult to get into. I saw my new Doctor, and she prescribed me the painkillers I required, but also wanted to investigate the pain just to make sure it wasn't something else. She referred me for a CT scan which I had done in the next few days. The results came back showing a mass on my right lung and after further tests and a biopsy, has been confirmed to be an agressive, and rare form of lung cancer called a pancoast tumour.

This has changed my world, obviously, and I now have a massive fight ahead of me, which has unfortunately been made much more difficult by a very late diagnosis.

After much deliberation, I have decided to set up a donation page for anyone that wants to help me finacially during this crisis.

All I can say now is, put your health first, and nver be afraid to get a second opinion. You're not treading on toes by doing this. My original Doctor maybe dropped the ball on this, but he is also aware that he has, and he feels terrible. An early second opinion would have made a massive difference to everyone.

I'll hopefully provide regular updates on the site as to my progress and status during this. I have to believe I'm going to beat this, but I am scared, and a little angry if I'm to be totally honest.

Your support, emotionally and/or finacially means everything. It's the people we know that make our lives what they are, and I know some of the very best people which makes me one of the luckiest people on Earth.

Thank you for being you, and being a part of my life. It has, and continues to mean everything.


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